Thursday, July 15, 2010

Bringing Home Baby Lovar 2006

Lovar, spring, 2006

Bradford was clearing the table, when he got his first clue that tonight he might be a new father.

"Are you ok?"

Suzanna nodded and gripped her belly. "They're coming faster than I thought,"

"I'll get Julio."

"You don't look so good..." Laci said staring.

"I think the baby is about to come soon."

"Oh! Can I help?"

"Yes, if you can keep the babies entertained in thier room so they don't cry, that would be a big help."


A few hours later, Suzanna delivered a healthy baby girl. After taking a shower, the woman was ready to greet the small group of visitors-mainly her brother and sister-in-law, who came to deliver meals and congratulations.

"Here's little Lesia," she said holding the child out for inspection. She had black hair and bright brown eyes like her sisters.

After the group left, Suzanna was beyond tired.

"I love my girls," Bradford said tucking Lesia into the crib.

"Me too,"

"But I think we might be done."

"I couldn't agree more."
These two are both going on birth control, hopefully they won't try for any more kids...but if they do, then perhaps they know better than I do. I think four little girls is enough, but I also thought three little girls was perfect until they changed my mind. This will be a very interesting household once the girls reach teenhood. Bradford might have to look at building another bathroom and taking frequent trips with Jesse and Jeremy for some much needed testosterone.


  1. Oh, yay! Four sisters! I have to say that from playing the Sutton family, four sisters are so much fun to play. But yeah, Bradford might need to add another bathroom to the house and get out for some trips with the guys to escape all the estrogen once they get older, lol. ;)

    Congratulations on their newest little girl! Maybe they'll finally decide they're done after this!

  2. Four sisters! Can't get much sweeter than that!! I'm from an all girl family, and it's super... great!! hahaha. Teen years though.. yep, that could put a lot of gray hairs on heads. I'm looking forward to seeing these girls grow up together, and how their relationships unfold with one another and future boyfriends.

  3. Aw, four sisters! I love it. Congratulations to Bradford and Suzanna!

    I've always really wanted a family of all girls. The closest my Sims have come was three, with my Lachance kids way back when. Stupid Pascal had to spoil it and be male!

    Nah, I loved Pascal. But I was a tiny bit disappointed he wasn't a girl!

  4. Congratulations! That should be fun having four girls. It will be fun to see how their personalities develop, especially if the younger girls are anything like their big sister. The nursery is cute, but it's looking crowded with three cribs. Let's hope their birth control works. Not that it would be a terrible thing if it doesn't.

  5. -Shana, I think they're done, but after popping into the lot, Bradford has rolled another baby want! He's not even a family sim!

    -Maisie, I'm looking forward to seeing them develop as well. I can see Laci as the protector though, making sure her little sisters are well taken care of.

    -Carla, for a while I thought the Carr genes (Jesse and Suzanna) only produced girls, but then Jesse had a boy. I haven't had an all girl family in a while, so this should be fun.

    -Em, the nursery is beyond crowded. I think the McMillians might have to move eventually. Right now the townhouse still has plenty of space, but once the younger girls start really moving around, then space will be tight.


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