Sunday, August 9, 2009

PCU Spring 2004

Spring Semester 2004
Faith and Bill are sophmores

Bill's working non-stop to get off academic probation worked and his GPA was back up. Thank goodness, bewteen the threats from his stepmother about bringing slander to the Kent name and his father nagging him about reaching his potential, Bill doubted that failing out of university would be well recieved.

"I can't believe that toga party last night. " Bill commented to one of the RAs while enjoying breakfast. "Those greek sims really know how to throw a party."

Unfortunately, the RA was distracted by all that was Faith. Faith had become the elusive bad girl of campus. The fact that she had on clothes this morning was strange as usually she could be found in her purple silk underwear or red swimsuit.

"If the proposition for the combined terrain map goes through, I still want to live in the Metro. All the best technology jobs are out there. In fact, I have an internship this summer as a lab assistant with King Labs."


Faith did very little spring semester in order to improve her grades. Most of the time she was running around in her underwear dancing in the common area or at the sorority house co-hosting a toga party. She continued her relationship with Professor Scampel, unfortunately he couldn't use his influence to help her grades. To be honest, Faith really didn't want to be at university. She had no desire to go to class, when she heard about the assignments or the term papers she also had no desire to complete them. Even when she was invited to study groups, she turned down the invitation. She perfered throwing nightly parties with her sorority sisters and playing her violin. Who needs a degree to play music.

"Faith, you should come to music theory class." Lisa pleaded.
"Psst, I can play without knowing the theory behind the music." Faith bragged.
"Can't you talk to her? Her grades are falling faster than a skier going downhill." Lisa asked Bill as they reviewed the notes for thier simlish history class.
Bill shook his head. "Faith won't listen to me. Besides, if she doesn't want to go to class, then you can't force her."
Finally the letter came, Faith was expecting it, but not this soon.
"So I gotta find a part-time job and get my own place. My folks probably don't want me to return home after this."
"I still can't believe you got expelled. I mean, you and professor-"
"He couldn't help me, he's the head of the mathematics department. Too bad I didn't major in math."
"Yea...too bad."
While one student was preparing to leave university for good, another was making plans to go to the next level.
"We've been dating long enough." Krissy reasoned. "I see why not."
Bill scooted closer to the woman. He had been hoping she would agree to his proposition

and he was throughly rewarded for waiting.
Yep, Faith has been expelled. She had no desire to do ANYTHING! No going to class, no term papers, no assignments, nothing. She wanted to throw party after party. Her family is p'od since you have to pay for all four years in advance to attend Pierce University, which means that they lost two years worth of tuition.
How does getting expelled work in your hood? If a student has no wants and fails the semester, do you unenroll them-citing lack of interest? Do you let them be expelled and still site lack of interest?


  1. What ever happened to her baby? I can't find any updates on it. Did she have the baby? *is lost LOL*

    So far I haven't had any sims get kicked out of school, or even on academic probation. But I have a feeling that might change, two sims come to mind.

    Normally, if a sim has no wants for class, assignments, term papers. I just leave them to their own vises. They normally go to school on their own and bring their grades far enough up to pass that semester.

    So for now I just sit back and watch.

  2. I have the harder grade hacks for my sims have to do a lot in order to pass class.

    So, far I haven't had any that don't want to do term papers, or go to class, or do homework. But if I did I would like them fail, one semester. And if they don't get the fear of being expelled then I would probably sent them back to the hood.

  3. Both of these comments sound like great strategies. I haven't gotten back to Uni since my Founders went, 3 RL years ago. AHAAAAAHA! That's so pitful. But, when my 2nd generation kids get there, I'm gonna let them tell me what they want to do. No matter how bad it irks me.

  4. -Riverdale, Faith lost her baby:

    It's funny how sims don't have a want to attend class but go anyway when it's time for class.

    -Monique, oh, I never thought about the harder grades hack. I guess I could have sent Faith back to the hood instead of expelling her, but I don't think her family would have accepted her returning without a degree or being expelled.

    -Simmington Hills, it's been a while since I had uni kids as well. Fiona and Rebecca were the last set. Yikes, I need to make sure the births are a little more staggered from now on...actually, I don't have control over that anymore-they do :P

  5. What Riverdale described sounds like what I do (or used to do. It's been awhile since I've played Uni. I had that ep uninstalled for awhile). If they don't want to do assignments I don't make them, but my sims would usually go to class on their own even if they didn't want to and that was enough to keep them passing or even getting A's. I started making semesters shorter, to keep everyone from graduating with high GPAs, but I still never had anyone get expelled or put on academic probation.

    I'm glad Bill's moving on and getting his schooling back on track.

  6. -Em, it was a close call for Bill, but he got his act together. How long are your semesters? I also have shorter semesters and one semester I roll randomly for grades so they can focus on social things.

  7. Usually about 2 days, but I'm not very exacting about it. Once everyone has the necessary skills and are close to passing (or when the more studious students have their grade bars filled) I decide the semester is long enough and start sending them to their finals.

  8. -Em, that makes sense, 2 simdays is a great length.


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