Monday, July 20, 2009

Content-Givar 2003

Givar, winter, 2003
Johan is 42, Jadhira is 41, Myra and Naraj are 8

It had been almost a simyear since Jadhira lost her job. The Archives/Technology Director position was open was due to Li's new job with BAAM Architects and Jadhira had decided to apply to the position.

"They said that they would make a desicion by tonight." Jadhira explained as they waited for the twins to come down for breakfast.

"That's good." Johan mumbled, his mouth stuffed full of the orange pastry.

"I can't belive Li's thinking about getting a divorce." Jadhira continued, keeping her ear open to the sound of the twins.

"That happens sometimes."

"I know, but still. I feel like she's chasing some sort of fantasy. Trying to live the life of a fictional character that she created. You can't just leave four kids and a husband and declare a 'do-over' in life."

"Was there another man?"

Jadhira shock her head. Quiet about the fact that Li thought that Tobi had been unfaithful. His faithfulness wasn't even an issue, according to Li. They bothe wanted out, but for different reasons. She wanted to persue her career without the burden of four small children and he...well, he would be free to persue his first love-without the guilt.

"Well, sims get divorced sometimes."

"It's not like getting a physical, sims don't just get divorced sometimes. It's a major life changge. Would you do that to us?"

"No," he said smiling. "I am perfectly content with our lives right now. I have no failed dreams to chase, no regrets to wonder about. I am doing what I love, with the woman I love and the children I love."

Jadhira smiled, sometimes he knew exactly what to say.

"And right now, I have to get to the job I love." Johan said, stepping out into the snow. "I'll see you this afternoon."

"Don't forget the new furniture is being delivered today!" Jadhira shouted after him.

"Myra! Naraj! Hurry up, your breakfast is getting cold and you're going to be late for school!" she yelled up the stairs.

Jadhira spent the day supervising the moving crew as they loaded the new furniture into the small apartment. She had ordered a new dining room set to compliment the kitchen remodel she completed earlier that year. Thankfully finances were stable in spite her unemployment status, but she hated the feeling of boredom everyday. She read and took a few online courses to pass the simlonic months, but some days seemed to lag.

Jadhira was interrupted from her thoughts with a phone call. "Hello?"

"Hi, Jadhira. It's Carmela, how are you?"


"Listen, I was calling about the Archives/Technology job. If you still want it, we would like to offer you the position. That combined with the position of editor of Apple Valley News and we're able employee you full-time and offer a salary as well. Do you accept?"

"Of course!" Jadhira grinned into the phone.

"Great, can you start tomorrow?"


"Great. See you then, congratulations."


Jadhira squealed with joy and then grabbed the keys and sprinted over to the store. She didn't know what she was looking for, but she felt that her news was worth a good shopping trip. Her trip netted in some new toys for the twins.

"Thanks mommy!"

And a new coffee pot to match the kitchen remodel.

"What do you think?"

"About the coffee maker, the new dining room furniture or your new job?" Johan asked grabbing two slices of pie from the fridge.


"Well the furniture and coffeemaker are nice, very bright."

"Thank you."

"Far as the job, I didn't you'd be happy in a political job."

"It's not political. I work alone most days. They're purchasing a brand new computer for me to use for my work and I have a small office. I'm glad to finally have a job, I don't know if I could have survived another winter being unemployed."

"I'm glad you're excited about the job then, honey."
"Do you want to celebrate? We could get dressed up and take the kids with us to that new italian place in the Metro. I've heard great reviews of it."
"That sounds really nice. I would love to go."
Johan left his wife on the computer and he quietly tucked the twins in with a kiss and slid into bed himself. Yes, he was very content and happy with his life and he wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.


  1. Aw, it's nice to have some families that are happy and don't have tons of drama. :) I'm glad Jadhira got a job she's excited about!

  2. -Shana, yes sometimes it good to have drama free families that are still interesting :)

  3. A drama free update. And Li is getting a divorce. Wow. I mean, I know what Tobi is up to, but just dropping your children because you want to live the "life" in the Metro. Uncool. They need to make this work, at least for the kids! Think about the kids! ROFL

  4. -Riverdale, I agree they should think about the kids, but like Johan said it's funny what having "failed dreams to chase, [and]regrets to wonder about" will make a sim do.

  5. Yeah, the clock gets to ticking and Sims start to feel like they need to make a change and fast! Li is so talented, I'm sure she'll be fine, but it is very sad that the kids are caught in the middle of their parents' very selfish intentions.

    I really love the bright oranges, greens, yellows and blues in their place!

  6. -SH, it's interesting about the children. They haven't been affected-yet. None of them had a fear of parents getting divorced, they just want thier parents alive and healthy. Perhaps they are simply mature beyond thier years, or maybe because Li and Tobi haven't been toxic to each other, it is almost like they both woke up and said-"Hey...yea, no more, ok? Sure, no more. Love ya, babe."

    I like the brightness of the apartment as well, I'm trying to go brighter and more ethnic without being cheezy and over the top.


Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment! :)

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