Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Bringing Home Baby, Peacar 2003

Peacar 2003
Welcome Jessica Lola and Jennifer Mercedes Kent

The winter morning started with a rousing dance party that sent Suzanna rushing downstairs in her underwear to find out what the commotion was about. Thankfully, it was just the proud parents-to-be giggling.

By lunch time, it was a different scene. Suzanna's boyfriend (soon to be fiance) , Bradford, was over for what he thought would be a peaceful lunch, but Fiona interrupted things with the unmistable groans of a woman in labor...one simlonic month early.

Suzanna went to work quickly, calling Dr. Wilsonoff over to assist with the delivery. A few simhours later, Suzanna helped Fiona deliver healthy twin girls: Jessica and Jennifer

Welcome Jessica and Jennifer!


  1. Congratulations! They're gorgeous! Fiona's looking great too with that hairstyle and outfit.

  2. Yay for babies! I want to be that small and pregnant with twins

  3. I have to echo that...Fiona, you are looking FABULOUS these days!

    Congratulations on the twin girls, they're gorgeous!! I hope you and Jesse can still make it to the wedding!

    Your cousin, Ray

  4. -Em, thanks! I think they might be identical, I hope so! I never had identical twins-it's been a long time since I had twins of the same gender!

    -Heredoncove, I have no idea why she was so small. Maybe she carried them high or something. Well, they are premature, so perhaps they have a low birth weight.

  5. Ray,

    Of course we're still coming to the wedding. Jesse's sister is going to watch the girls for us. I have to get away and I still have work to do. Mayor Cunningham and I have things to discuss.



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