Thursday, September 25, 2008

More Family Vacation

More photos from our family vacation to Schatazweitzier Mountain. The girls enjoyed Lumberjack Training so much that they begged us to take them again, so this time Sandy and I tried our hand at the skills and let me tell you, log-rolling is much harder than it looks, especially when you have a bit of a belly to work with. Sandy's in excellant shape, so she stayed upright most of the time while I hit the chilly water! Sandy and I decided to try and spend some quality time with each girl, so I took Si'Enya and did a little fishing. She is very excited about being in the Explorers Club and returning to Schatazweitzier Mountain for a camping trip. I hope they have a good time and she loses a bit of the baby fat clinging to her midsection, but I can't talk. My "baby fat" never went away!

On the last day we spent some time roasting marshmallows and sitting around the fire. The girls were very curious if we were rich now since the insurance checks came in before the trip and with the new business restructing in the hood, I have a surplus of cash. Sandy and I tried to explain that we're not rich, yet, but are more comfortably. S'Ahmisa asked if we were comfortable enough for her to get a soccer goal in the backyard...that child!

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