Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Finally, Intelligent Conversation

I have returned to the Kent house. Elle called me and said that I could stop by for a game of chess and some dinner if I was free. I was so I did, I did because I was. We played chess, she's a very good player, I had to really stay on my toes and we discussed the need Apple Valley had for a CAS Clinic Manager. That sim would keep the hood's data and make sure that thier are back-ups and updates whenever necessary. Also, they'd make changes when needed to resident's data. It sounds interesting, but the pay is not much. I would need another job, which I still haven't found. I hope the new career tracks with the new deal do not require degrees. To participate in the SUN Exchange I had to leave university, as did Sandy, but she's making much more progress than I. She called and said that she has a date with Sazo and how great he is and how wonderful she feels, blah, blah blah.

I can not wait until spring gets here. I have ordered some sari's and will get a new hairstyle, the pigtails make me look a little immature. Wow, spring will actually be very dynamic with rain storms and such. I would love to get a job predicting the weather or chasing storms and seeing how they react.

I need to meet this mysterious Johan. Elle told me that she thought I might like this young man she knows by the name of Johan. Apparently he's her nephew. Agh!!! Johan, Johan, where are you! Why haven't I met you! I suppose I should get out more. Perhaps go to the park for a game of chess, maybe then I'll meet the mysterious Johan.

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